Results for 'Maria Luisa Felici'

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  1.  14
    L’eredità viva di Carla Lonzi. Tra mito delle origini e presenza nel femminismo italiano.Maria Luisa Boccia - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 4:123-136.
    The article explores the living legacy of Carla Lonzi for Italian feminism. In so doing, it highlights some key contributions made by Lonzi, in particular focussing on the necessity of taking leave of patriarchy (thanks to the invention of self-awareness), the critique of the universal (beyond the false alternative between female identity and equality with man), and the dogma of the heterosexual couple and clitoral pleasure.
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    Adverb incorporation and the syntax of adverbs in modern greek.María-Luisa Rivero - 1992 - Linguistics and Philosophy 15 (3):289 - 331.
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    A general approach to non-distributive logics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):139-162.
  4.  90
    The deduction rule and linear and near-linear proof simulations.Maria Luisa Bonet & Samuel R. Buss - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):688-709.
    We introduce new proof systems for propositional logic, simple deduction Frege systems, general deduction Frege systems, and nested deduction Frege systems, which augment Frege systems with variants of the deduction rule. We give upper bounds on the lengths of proofs in Frege proof systems compared to lengths in these new systems. As applications we give near-linear simulations of the propositional Gentzen sequent calculus and the natural deduction calculus by Frege proofs. The length of a proof is the number of lines (...)
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  5. Democrazia e bene comune da Karl Jaspers a Jürgen Habermas.María Luisa Perri - 2005 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 34 (1):91-126.
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    (1 other version)Sobre sujeto y género: lecturas feministas desde Beauvoir a Butler.María Luisa Femenías - 2000 - Buenos Aires: Catálogos.
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    Propositional proof systems based on maximum satisfiability.Maria Luisa Bonet, Sam Buss, Alexey Ignatiev, Antonio Morgado & Joao Marques-Silva - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 300 (C):103552.
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    Resolution for Max-SAT.María Luisa Bonet, Jordi Levy & Felip Manyà - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (8-9):606-618.
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    Il nesso άββα̃ ό πατήφ in elemente Alessandrino.Maria Luisa Amerio - 1976 - Augustinianum 16 (2):291-316.
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    O juízo evidente.Maria Luísa Couto Soares - 2003 - Phainomenon 7 (1):105-128.
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    Notas sobre Referência e Intencionalidade: Frege e Husserl.Maria Luísa Couto Soares - 2010 - Phainomenon 20-21 (1):25-42.
    This paper aims to present an approach to Frege and Husserl’s theories of meaning in order to integrate meaning in the broader context of intentionality. Intentionality and reference are two notions with affinities, despite their pertaining to different but not separated areas... When comparing Frege and Husserl’s theories of meaning and intentionality we may provide a fruitful and enriching perspective: some problems and concepts of Husserl’s thought may be elucidated if confronted with those of Frege. On the other hand, Husserl’s (...)
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    Testimony: María Rapela, a Costa Rican artist In Berlin.María Luisa Herrera Rapela - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (28):157-192.
    Testimonio que recoge algunas experiencias y reflexiones de la artista visual costarricense María Rapela en Alemania y de cómo se involucró en la gestión cultural, coordinando el Fieber Festival, una plataforma colaborativa y auto-gestionada de mujeres artistas migrantes iberoamericanas en Berlín entre el 2011 y el 2017.
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    A din'mica da razão na filosofia de Espinosa.Maria Luísa Ribeiro Ferreira - 1997 - [Lisboa]: Junta Nacional de Investigacaeao Cientifica E.
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  14. Nuevos datos para la biografía de Baqi b. Majilad.María Luisa Avila Navarro - 1985 - Al-Qantara 6 (1):321-368.
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    El derecho como prudencia.Maria Luisa Tosta - 2003 - Caracas, Venezuela: Vadell Hermanos Editores.
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  16.  38
    Tres familias anṣāríes de época almohade.María Luisa Ávila - 2009 - Al-Qantara 30 (2):361-401.
    Se reconstruyen en este artículo las familias Banū l-Ṭaylasān, Banū l-Šarrāṭ y Banū Ayyaš y se estudian las relaciones de parentesco establecidas entre ellas mediante una estrategia de alianzas matrimoniales diseñada por Abū l-Qāsim al-Šarrāṭ. Se aprecia cómo estos lazos familiares van estrechamente unidos a las relaciones de transmisión del saber, especialmente hadiz y ciencias coránicas. Se analizan asimismo las nisbas anṣāríes, posiblemente adoptadas tardíamente, que exhiben todos ellos.
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    Managing Knowledge in Organizations: A Nonaka’s SECI Model Operationalization.Maria Luisa Farnese, Barbara Barbieri, Antonio Chirumbolo & Gerardo Patriotta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Una propuesta para la enseñanza de la Bioética.María Luisa Marín Castán - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 54:419-423.
    Casado, María y López Baroni, Manuel Jesús, Manual de bioética laica (I). Cuestiones clave, Barcelona, Observatori de Bioética i Dret, Univesitat de Barcelona, 2018, 219 pp.
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  19.  15
    Creature di sabbia. Corpi mutati nello scenario tecnologico.Maria Luisa Boccia - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (3):539-548.
  20. Potere e inconscio.Maria Luisa Martelli (ed.) - 1979 - Milano: Il formichiere.
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    Un occamista quattrocentesco, Gabriel Biel.Maria Luisa Picascia - 1979 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  22. 'Bayle'by Feuerbach, Ludwig.Maria Luisa Barbera - 1983 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (2):193-225.
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  23.  32
    Slaves, servants and wage earners: Free and unfree labour, from Grotius to Blackstone.Maria Luisa Pesante - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (3):289-320.
    This article provides an intellectual history of the status of wage earners as conceptualized within the natural law paradigm by European writers both on the Continent and in Britain. Historians of political discourse have mostly investigated the consequences of such a status for the political rights of labourers. This article shows that the crucial moves were made by different authors analysing the relation of servant to master either in the domestic sphere or in private contracts. The article further contends that (...)
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    Aristóteles, filósofo del lenguaje?María Luisa Femenías & Silvia Tonti - 1997
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    Demand for quality and design ideas competition: experimentation to discover good practices.Maria Luisa Germanà - 2013 - Techne: Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment 6.
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  26. Diderot nel dibattito sull'ateo virtuoso.Maria Luisa Lussu - 1987 - In Giovanni Solinas (ed.), Ricerche sul pensiero del secolo 18. Cagliari: Università di Cagliari.
  27. Expressão e contra expressão : virtualidades simbólicas da corporeidade.Maria Luisa Couto Soares - 2006 - In Pedro M. S. Alves, José Manuel Santos & Alexandre Franco de Sá (eds.), Humano e inumano: a dignidade do homem e os novos desafios: actas do. Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa.
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  28. Paoli Filiasi Carcano.Maria Luisa Gavuzzo - 1987 - Filosofia Oggi 10 (1):57-74.
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    Unas pocas palabras.María Luisa Femenias - 2023 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 24 (27):200-204.
    Nota crítica sobre el libro de María Luisa Femenías (2022). Los disidentes : filósofos feministas excluidos de la memoria, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Galerna, 446 páginas.
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  30. La transgresión de las prácticas docentes : El discurso del cambio.Maria Luisa Granados Sosa & Esmeralda Violega Hernández Bautista - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida (eds.), Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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  31.  14
    Deskriptive Metaphysik: die Frage nach Gott bei Franz Brentano.Maria Luisa Lamberto - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    Diese Studie der Deskription bei Franz Brentano lässt dessen Philosophie als ein «Programm der Deskription» erscheinen, das einen spezifischen Beitrag zur Gottesfrage leistet. Im Gegensatz zur scholastischen Tradition stellt er diese Frage auf sprachlicher Ebene und sucht dadurch erkenntnistheoretisch-metaphysische Engführungen zu überwinden. Er betont die deskriptive (nicht physikalische oder metaphysische) Bedeutung der Kausalität in ihrer Zeitgebundenheit und zeigt, dass die Existenz Gottes zeitlich bestimmt werden muss: Nur so ist eine sinnvolle Rede von Gott möglich. Brentanos Denken wurde in der Theologie (...)
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  32.  85
    Women and Natural Hierarchy in Aristotle.María Luisa Femenías - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (1):164 - 172.
    In this paper, I examine the frame of reference in Aristotle's Politics within which he makes claims about women and their place in his conception of politics.
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  33. La fotografía. De imagen de la realidad a instrumento de poder.María Luisa Bellido - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 37:57-60.
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  34. Percorsi della segregazione femminile. Meccanismi sociali e ragioni degli attori.Maria Luisa Bianco - 1993 - Polis 7 (2):277-300.
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  35. (1 other version)Forme di governo e proporzioni matematiche: Severino Boezio e la ricerca dell¿ aequum ius.María Luisa Silvestre - 1996 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 17 (1):95-108.
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    Valor estético de la intuición metafísica en el diario de un poeta recién casado, de J.r. Jiménez.María Luisa Amigo - 2018 - Aisthesis 63:183-199.
    At the centenary of the creation of Diary of a Newlywed Poet, this paper elaborates on its metaphysical discovery. Building on the relevant concepts of the poet's aesthetics, it discovers the search for meaning in the poems in the light of sensitive enrichment, the understanding of reality and the stimulation of the receiver's conscience. The study was performed in the triple sense of cultivation, term under which the poet held a theory of human development, as cultivation of sensitivity, intelligence and (...)
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  37.  16
    Immagini in opera: nuove vie in antropologia dell'arte.Maria Luisa Ciminelli (ed.) - 2007 - Napoli: Liguori.
    Dal "disegno su sabbia" delle donne australiane alle terrecotte delle donne del Camerun, dai retablos peruviani agli altari vodou degli immigrati haitiani a New York, dalla "Casa del popolo" del regno di Bandjoun alle "vetrinette" italiane degli anni Sessanta, dai malanggan e dai manufatti annodati dell'Oceania alla topologia dei nodi, dai bologan del Mali alla "Potlatch Collection" rimpatriata nei nuovi musei indigeni del Canada, dalle maschere gelede degli Yoruba alla figura ubiqua e mediatica di Mami Wata, i saggi di questo (...)
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    Afirmação originária e sabedoria prática na reflexão ética de Paul Ricœur.Maria Luísa Portocarrero - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (2):75-87.
    This paper´s aim is to outline the foundation of Paul Ricœur´s ethics, which we believe to be a hermeneutical experience of recognition of existence´s original claim, a thesis that he takes from his master Jean Nabert. Although the question of recognition appears only in the last work of Ricœur, we hold that it is already present since the earliest works, particularly in The Symbolism of Evil , insofar as, through symbolic language, the contrasting experience of evil leads to the whole (...)
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  39.  70
    Some foundational problems in mathematics suggested by physics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):303 - 315.
  40. Spanish Complements.Maria-Luisa Rivero - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:305-336.
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    Filosofie nella consulenza filosofica.Maria Luisa Martini & Giorgio Giacometti (eds.) - 2013 - Napoli: Liguori editore.
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  42. La influencia de la técnica fotográfica en la obra de Sorolla= the influence of photographic techniques on the workd of Sorolla.María Luisa Menéndez - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 54:57-63.
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  43. Interculturalidad y transversalidad: Reflexiones para pensar sus vinculaciones.María Luisa Rubinelli - 2001 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 8 (2).
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    “You Can See How Things Will End by the Way They Begin”: The Contribution of Early Mutual Obligations for the Development of the Psychological Contract.Maria Luisa Farnese, Stefano Livi, Barbara Barbieri & René Schalk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Shifting the Boundaries: Transformation of the Languages of Public and Private in the Eighteenth Century.Maria Luisa Pesante, John Brewer, Dena Goodman, Malcolm Cook, Vivien Jones, Ursula Vogel, John Christian Laursen & Edoardo Tortarolo - 1995 - University of Exeter Press.
    "The book mounts a challenge to the notion of a clear distinction between public and private and attempts to account for the mobility of the many boundaries between the two. The first essay introduces some of those problematic boundaries in the light of the influential studies of Habermas, Koselleck, Aries and Chartier, who together have helped shape our understanding of the formation of the modern public and private spheres. A number of essays deal with the nature of public opinion in (...)
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  46. Studi di storia della filosofia-Linee interpretative su Platone negli ultimi cinquant'anni della >.Maria Luisa Gatti - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (1):33.
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  47. El arte como liberación: Carmen López Sáenz:" El arte como racionalidad liberadora".María Luisa Maillard García - 2001 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología 3:373-378.
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  48. El tiempo en Borges: una reflexión fenomenológica sobre la memoria.María Luisa Pfeiffer - 1999 - Diálogo Filosófico 44:245-254.
    El escándalo mayor para Borges es el tiempo y ante ese horror, sólo cabe para él construir un universo apoyado en la intuición metafísica de que el tiempo es una ilusión. Si la verdad pertenece al mundo de las ideas como para Platón, el tiempo adquirirá su sentido en función de la enternidad, si no tendremos que pensar que la eternidad es sólo una imagen cuyo soporte es el tiempo. En el trabajo se analizan dos obras La muerte vivida, El (...)
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  49.  20
    All You Need Is Facebook Friends? Associations between Online and Face-to-Face Friendships and Health.Maria Luisa Lima, Sibila Marques, Gabriel Muiños & Cristina Camilo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  50. Recuerdo de un gran botánico madrileño: Vicente Cutanda y Jarauta.María Luisa Cutanda - 1992 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 7 (1-3):821-826.
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